All Things Dutch

I didn’t realize, when I left the Netherlands, how much of an impact the Dutch had in the world. We are finding all kinds of things every day in every unexpected corner. Like a song by a singer from the Netherlands at the roller rink in the middle of nowhere, a Dutch painting in a restaurant in Chicago, Anne Frank statue at the WWII museum in New Orleans….just to name a few!

What did you find in other countries from your home country?

Dutch Things in Chicago

At Hendrickx Bakery in Chicago

Chicago, one of America’s biggest cities, is “only” 4 hours away from us. We love to visit this city and we found some great Dutch things here. Don’t forget to come back regularly, in case we found something new Dutch stuff over there!

Carnaval in the South of the Netherlands

Carnaval Netherlands, Carnaval costumes, colorful
Carnaval in the south of the Netherlands

Mardi Gras? Carnaval? Halloween? Vastenoavend? What is it and how do we celebrate it in the Netherlands. BONUS: A FREE OWL Costume for KIDS!

How to raise your kids to be bilingual

reading Dutch books at a young age

I know it can be difficult living abroad and keep up with Dutch, or any kind of language, if you are not surrounded by Dutch speaking people. What can you do to keep your mother language going strong in your family.?

Eating out in the Netherlands and the USA

differences eating out in US and the Netherlands

I never thought of this before, but recently we noticed 7 differences in restaurants in the Netherlands and the USA.

Anne Frank in Iowa?

Anne Frank

I was so surprised the extraordinary link between Anne Frank and a small town in Iowa. Actually 2 young girls in Danville, Iowa!