Dutch Crafts, Dutch Crafts for Moms

Creative DIY solutions for daily problems at home.

I just realized that I like solving problems in a creative way. I know, weird things you think of during a pandemic, right? You try to save money, solve something yourself that keeps popping up in your every day life. And every time when it pops up, you say:” It’s so annoying, I need to fix this!” But how? This will be an ongoing post. Do you need crafty DIY solutions for daily problems? Maybe this can turn into a fun game! Let’s get started!

I think I missed out on things like Destination Imagination, where children learn how to solve problems in a team setting. STEAM activities are the base of these problem solving activities. Adults are not allowed to interfere and the children learn about setting goals, setting a time line and doing research. I think I would have LOVED this at school or as an after school project. You can find more about DI here.

I was a team manager for several years and I had a hard time to keep my mouth shut. I promised my last team that I would tell them my solution after all the competitions were done.

The combination of being Dutch, a mom and an occupational therapist, helps to always want to find a solution for every problem.

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Problem #1: I cannot find matching earrings.

During the pandemic we were not going out anymore. No need to dress up, no need to wear earring….at all! Then I realized my ear piercings were closing up. At least that was what I was afraid of.

DIY solutions for daily problems

Then I started to look for matching earrings and I found all of my earrings spread out over 3 small make up bags. It took me a while to find just 1 pair. I needed a solution. Here is my first crafty DIY solution for an every day problem:

I had an old frame and some burlap. I cut it to size, leaving 1 inch on each side. I printed out the word “LOVE” and printed it out. I cut out the word and used black acrylic paint to stencil the letters on the burlap.

I added later on a ribbon for the stud earrings, because I was worried they would fall trough the spaces of the burlap fabric.

DIY solutions for daily problems

Problem #2 Pets and Kids digging in the flower pots

practical DIY solutions for everyday problems

Luckily our kids are bigger and we don’t own any pets, but I can see this could be a daily problem when you love house plants as well. I didn’t have many plants when the kids were little and I put them on higher shelves. But if you don’t have much space, what would be another crafty DIY solution for this daily problem?

I just made these, because they are modern again. My mom said, the 70’s are back! I just love them and they are so much fun to make!

Problem #3 Where can I put my coffee in my small living room?

In the evening my husband always makes tea for us. Sometimes we watch something on TV, sometimes I’m working on a craft project or on my laptop. The area between the TV and the couch is not big, so I was not planning on a coffee table. Where can I put my cup of coffee or tea while I’m watching TV or working on projects?

Home problems and DIY solutions

I found this DIY solution for this problem. Looking at the furniture and future colors and design of this room, I wanted something made out of wood. I saw these beautiful sturdy tables on wheels you can slide under the couch. They can be either over the arm rest or in the middle of the couch (sometimes it’s between my husband and I, while we watch TV). I made mine out of wood, but omitted the wheels, because the couches are too low, so the table won’t slide underneath. I kept it really simple. You can add a pouch for remote control or magazines and books.

I used small metal hooks first, but those didn’t keep the table straight. Later I bought bigger ones and now it is a great, sturdy little side table.

DIY solutions for home problems

We can even turn the table and our youngest uses it when she wants to color or play in our living room. She sits on the pouf (->scroll down to #4 on this blog post) I made and she loves it!

Problem #4 My bottles with spices are all over the place.

One of our next projects will be the kitchen. I’m very excited, but overwhelmed at the same time. Organizing the cup boards will be a big part of this project.

DIY hacks for your home

I had part of a cupboard dedicated to my spices, but it was hard to find the ones I needed the most. They ended up next to the stove and on the counter in front of the cup board. It looks awful too. We have all different kinds of bottles.

What would be a solution for this daily problem in my kitchen cupboard?

I think I got it: I was saving a lot of those Oui Yogurt Jars. The kids just love them. I had so many that I wrote a blog post about it. What to do with those cute little glass Oui yogurt jars? Check it out if you have some time!

Here is what I did. I’m not totally done yet, but I think it looks a lot better.

I tried Permanent Markers, but they bled as soon as you touch with wet hands. These markers are waterproof and permanent. And I still need to make a cute little wooden rack for them. Yessss, problem solved!

WHO IS NEXT? Please send me your daily problems or solution for above problems. Together we will find a crafty DIY solution!

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